Gallagher, Pelletier and Kosteniuk win the Swiss National Championships in Flims
The 2012 Flims National Swiss Championship just ended today, with the final victory of GM Joe Gallagher with 6.5/9, followed by GM Pelletier and me GM Kosteniuk with 6/9. See the full results and photos below. I am pretty happy with my “+3” result, with 4 wins and only 1 loss, which will make me win approximately 12 ELO points and bring me to about 2490 ELO (I’m working to get back to my record of 2540). I had some good games against Zueger and Gerber, and Chess King has already posted my game against Korchnoi at this link.
Final results:
1. GM Joe Gallagher (Neuenburg) 6½. 2. GM Yannick Pelletier (Fr/Sz) 6 (24,25). 3. GM Alexandra Kosteniuk (Rus/Sz) 6 (24). 4. IM Oliver Kurmann (Luzern) 5½. 5. IM Julien Carron (Bramois) 4½. 6. IM Markus Klauser (Belp) 4 (16,50). 7. IM Richard Gerber (Genf) 4 (14,25). 8. IM Beat Züger (Siebnen) 3½. 9. IM Alex Domont (Nyon) 3. 10. GM Viktor Kortschnoi (Wohlen/AG) 2.
Above: Gold: Gallagher Silver: Pelletier Bronze: Kosteniuk (accompanied by daughter Francesca)
Above: Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk accompanied by daughter Francesca (5 years old)
Above: Since the National Swiss Championship was called the “Men-tournament”, I had to play like this so nobody would see I’m not a man (just joking – the “men’s section should be called the “general” section).
I was in a good mood after the last round when I found out I was sharing 2nd-3rd place with GM Yannick Pelletier, so I went down to the beautiful Cauma lake
Above: On the Cauma lake
Above: On Wednesday I went swimming in the lake Cauma
Above: The water in the lake Cauma was a little chilly at +19 degrees centigrade but it was wonderful
Above: At a playground having a little fun after my game
Posted by Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk
Tags: Flims, gallagher, Kosteniuk, pelletier, swiss national chess, Switzerland
Posted in Chess Tournament | 14 Comments »
Bravo à la Reine CHESS-QUEEN d’avoir réussi à monter sur le podium du “Tournoi des Messieurs” ! Nos amis Helvétes avec cette appellation font preuve d’originalité… C’est heureux toutefois que les Reines puissent jouer dans la cour des Messieurs… et leur ravir la vedette, même quand il s’agit de légendes.