Archive for the ‘Russian’ Category
Hello everyone! A week of intensive training has just ended. Tomorrow morning our team is leaving for Norway to participate in the 2014 Chess Olympiads. You might recall that we won the previous Istanbul 2012 Olympiads, and so we have to do our best to defend our title. Our team will be comprised of (from left to right on the photo) WGM Natalija Pogonina (2508), GM Valentina Gunina (2501), GM Alexandra Kosteniuk (2533), WGM Olga Girya (2493), and GM Kateryna Lagno (2540). There will be fierce competition especially from China, Ukraine, Georgia, India so the Olympiads will be wonderful to follow! Below are some photos taken the last 2 days of our training camp (subscribe free to Chess Queen™ Alexandra Kosteniuk’s Instagram feed), enjoy!
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The XXII Winter Olympic Games will start in less than a month in Sochi (Russia). Alexandra Kosteniuk writes about her passion for sport and the Olympics and tells about her anticipation for the beginning of these Games (text in Russian, use Google to translate).
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My 2013 competition chess year is over! It was filled with interesting games, exciting discoveries, beautiful combinations and sad omissions. In this post I review my 2013 chess year so I can move forward to my competition year 2014. Overall the year 2013 was quite successful for me – I increased my rating to 2527 Elo and I finished the year in the worlds women top 10. In this post I share with you (in Russian for the moment – use Google Translate for full text in English – but you get to see the photos and games) the most important and memorable events of 2013.
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Following her European Team Championship success with the amazing score of 7.5/8 (tournament top performance of 2766!), Alexandra Kosteniuk gained over 16 ELO points to reach 2526 ELO, which makes her #9 woman in the world and top woman player in Russia. You can see live chess ratings for women on this site. That’s a little lower than her record of 2540 achieved in 2006, just before she became 2008 women’s world chess champion, but close to 90 ELO more than last year this time. In Rapid and Blitz Alexandra has 2588 and 2612 ELO, respectively.
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One of the toughest tournaments of the year in the women’s circuit is the Russian Superfinal. This year both Valentina Gunina and Alexandra Kosteniuk showed performances well above 2600 to grab Gold and Silver medals, with respectively 7 and 6.5 out of 9 games. Bronze medal was obtained by Natalia Pogonina with 5.5, then Kovalevskaya, Kovanova and Goryachkina 4.5 and T. Kosintseva and Bodnaruk 3.5/9. Below you will find many photos of the event. Alexandra beat T. Kosintseva and Pogonina in their direct encounters,and drew Gunina, but most important, she created a masterpiece in her game against Charochkina, presented at the bottom of this post.
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Below you will find my Russian language report about the Fondation Neva FIDE Women’s Grand-Prix in Geneva (Russian Report). If you’d like to see the English Google Translate version of my post, click here.
Со 2 по 16 мая 2013 в Женеве при поддержке фонда «Нева» прошел 1-й турнир серии Гран-При ФИДЕ 2013-2014 среди женщин. Турнир собрал очень сильный состав. Средний рейтинг участниц был равен 2510. В упорной и небезошибочной борьбе первое место с прекрасным результатом 8 из 11 заняла Бела Хотенашвили из Грузии.
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