Alexandra Kosteniuk's CHESSQUEEN.COM

Chess Queen® & 12th Women's World Chess Champion Grandmaster Mega-Site & Chess Blog

January 14th, 2013

Wonderful Chess Letters from Vicky Guadagno’s Students

Chess drawing by Josephine ChanHello everyone! I was so happy today to receive a huge box filled with wonderful chess letters from Vicky Guadagno’s 2nd grade chess students from P.S. 18 in Queens (New York), with beautiful drawings, wishes, even gifts! I will treasure them! Vicky tells me chess is as popular as ever at her school, that’s great, although I am sure a lot has to do with the fact Vicky is the teacher. Below I thank everyone who sent me letters. I will be putting in the mail today some chess gifts for all of Vicky’s chess students to enjoy! Check out Vicky Guadagno’s LinkedIn Profile, Facebook Page, Web site.

The main image for this post is by Josephine C., it’s beautiful and looks just like me. Thanks also to Pin Chi L., Riya, Ridwan, Xavier R. (yes I hope I will be able to accept your “challenge” at chess one day), Mariya, Gabriel H. (thanks for the “token of appreciation”), Diego P., Annette Y., Caleb S., Julia O.,  Ethan L. (great letter!), Ayron (I also like to start as black), Ethan T. (practice your 8 queen puzzle!), Ridwanul I., Vincent (you’re right Rooks are great for checkmates), Ethan T. (thanks for the pawn, I’ll try to queen it), and Marcela.

Letters from Vicky Guadagno's Chess class P.S. 18

That was the best gift I could get, thanks to all for making chess the coolest game around!

And thanks to Vicky for being such an inspiration to her students! I also cherish the letters I got from Vicky soon after I became World Champion.

That’s a photo of me and Vicky from our last meeting in 2009:

Vicky Guadagno and Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk

I hope I’ll meet you all soon, best wishes,
Chess Queen™ Alexandra Kosteniuk
12th Women’s World Chess Champion 

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9 Responses to “Wonderful Chess Letters from Vicky Guadagno’s Students”

  1. R7-Android Super 17 says:

    Those little details are what make life beautiful