Alexandra Kosteniuk's CHESSQUEEN.COM

Chess Queen® & 12th Women's World Chess Champion Grandmaster Mega-Site & Chess Blog

October 31st, 2012

Chess Queen™ Kosteniuk Recommends Chess King Training new DVD’s

Chess King Training New DVD'sHello everyone!


After at least a year of very hard work by me and my team, I am pleased to announce 6 new DVD’s that are sure to improve the play of any player from Unrated to 1700 Elo up to the level of an accomplished/club chess player. The DVD’s are easy to watch and feature over 13 hours of chess instruction.


There are two series of 3 DVD’s, Chess King’s Complete Chess Course and Chess King’s Guide to Opening Ideas. You can read all descriptions here, and take advantage of the exceptional pre-order combo prices here. They start shipping next week November 5, 2012.


By buying any of Chess King’s products, you help me promote chess more. Thank you for your support!

Chess King Training Combos

Chess King has created incredible combos with [exceptional limited-time] discounts on all products from 35% to 50%, such as 35% off any of the new 3 DVD set, and two fantastic deals, the “Become-A-Master 12 disk Super Combo” at 45% off, and the “7-disk Maximum Discount Combo” at 50% off. Make yourself of a loved one a wonderful gift and at the same time save money. Email me if questions or if you want any substitutions.

Here is a comprehensive video description of the whole Chess King Training catalog as of today:

Posted by Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk
12th Women’s World Chess Champion

Note: Chess Queen and Chess King are registered trademarks and cannot be used without permission.

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Posted in Chess King, Chess King Training | 12 Comments »

12 Responses to “Chess Queen™ Kosteniuk Recommends Chess King Training new DVD’s”

  1. Mir Nawaz, Karachi says:

    Complete chess haul