Chess Queen Kosteniuk at the Nashville National Elementary Championships on May 13, 2012
I just got back from Nashville, and it was a wonderful chess tournament, with over 2200 kids playing, from all over the USA! They were in teams, with their parents, with their coaches, all with a great positive spirit. I have met lots of great talented young chess players in Nashville. Below are some photos from the event.
Here are some great photos of my autograph sessions:
There was lots of products for my fans from my web-shop.
That’s me with 2 local musical horses playing country music 🙂
One of my favorite photos of the trip, with the kids of the Washington-Parks Academy. They have a fantastic determination, a great team spirit, and they don’t need any lessons on dress code, every single one of the kids is a great example for their peers, well done, team!
Posted by Chess Queen™ Alexandra Kosteniuk
12th Women’s World Chess Champion
Tags: kosteniuk photo, nashville chess, scholastic chess
Posted in scholastic | 9 Comments »
Chess Queen do you know you are an absolute darling. We just loved you here. My kids cannot stop talking about you – neither can I. Thank you for your time and effort. You are just so sweet, good natured, and of course what an impressive personality. A great chess queen.