New In Chess Features 1993 Photo of Alexandra Kosteniuk
I got in my mail recently the issue 2012#6 of the excellent Chess Magazine New In Chess, and was pleased to see on pages 10-11 an old photo of me, my sister and my Dad from 1993 (I was 9 years old). The article is called “Getting Girls on the Board”. It mentions my recent portrait and pictorial in the USA edition of Vogue Magazine.
Moscow, 1993.
Nine-year-old Alexandra Kosteniuk suggests a move watched by her father and first trainer Konstantin and her sister Oxana. Little could they know then what their efforts would lead to. This August, in “the Age Issue” of Vogue, Alexandra was pictured together with her own daughter Francesca in a special feature on ‘Wonder Women from 28 to 101’. The leading fashion and lifestyle magazine presented her as ‘challenging stereotypes at 28’. ‘Alexandra Kosteniuk shows that chess can be chic. With winning style and well-honed focus, the former world champion is making it her mission to get girls on the board.’
Here is a photo published in Vogue, where you can see me with my 5-year old daughter Francesca. Photo by Ralph Mecke © Vogue 2012

Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk and daughter Francesca in Vogue 8/2012
The write-up of the Vogue article is:
Game On | Alexandra Kosteniuk
Once the province of nerds in Coke-bottle glasses, chess has evolved into a glamorous, coolly cerebral sport played by boys and girls. “The potential for girls to play chess in America is huge,” former world chamption Alexandra Kosteniuk says, “but we need stars.” Between her many personal appearances at tournaments around the world, her website, her podcast Chess Is Cool, and her Twitter account (170,000-plus followers and counting), she is doing her best to be that star.
Posted by Chess Queen™ Alexandra Kosteniuk
12th women’s world chess champion
Tags: chess features, kosteniuk photo, New in chess, Vogue Magazine
Posted in Fashion | 8 Comments »
The Chess Queen in the making – it’s a very nice photo