Alexandra Kosteniuk's CHESSQUEEN.COM

Chess Queen® & 12th Women's World Chess Champion Grandmaster Mega-Site & Chess Blog

September 19th, 2012

Chess Queen™ Kosteniuk comments on YouTube her aggressive chess variant against Soumya

Chess Queen™ Alexandra Kosteniuk wins against Sumya in a very aggressive variationHello everyone!
I have commented on my YouTube channel my game from the 2012 Istanbul Chess Olympiads against Swaminathan Soumya from India.The game started as a quiet Caro-Kann, but I quickly moved it to an extremely aggressive variation that my trainer GM Alexander Riazantsev and I had prepared for a special occasion several months ago. My win allowed my team to win against India 3-1, and later on we won the Olympiads Gold medals, for the second time in a row. As of today my YouTube channel counts 998,600+ video views, so I will soon be celebrating my first million YouTube views. If you like my videos and would like me to record more of them, please click LIKE to this post and “Thumbs up” in YouTube. In this video I use the program Chess King (description, video, shop), and you can find an applet to replay the game generated by Chess King at this link.

Here is the direct link to the YouTube video.

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Posted in Chess King, Chess Video, YouTube | 10 Comments »

10 Responses to “Chess Queen™ Kosteniuk comments on YouTube her aggressive chess variant against Soumya”

  1. Jason Bourne, Los Angeles says:

    you rock chess queen – i think h4 was it rest all fell in place!