Alexandra Kosteniuk's CHESSQUEEN.COM

Chess Queen® & 12th Women's World Chess Champion Grandmaster Mega-Site & Chess Blog

May 23rd, 2013

Chess Music Videos with Photos of Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk

Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk in music videosHello everyone! A Russian fan contacted me on Twitter to let me know that he published 2 music videos with slideshows of some of my photos. The first song is truly a chess song, called “e2-e4” by the Russian group “Recital” of 1984 (that’s the year I was born) and with chess lyrics, the singer is Alexander Kalyanov. The second is by the group VIA, music by Viacheslav Dobrynin, and singer Alexei Kondakov. Both videos are embedded below. Please “like” the videos and my post, and share on Twitter and Facebook!

Music Video: E2-E4 by the Group Recital:

Chess King's Amazon Store

Music Video: Order the pardon by the Group VIA Plamia:

Here are the lyrics of the second song (it’s a love song):
Here are the lyrics (in Russian):

Я такую гордую в жизни не встречал,
Потерял я голову, сердце потерял.

Прикажи помиловать,
Прикажи казнить,
Всё равно мне милая,
Без тебя не жить.
Прикажи помиловать,
Прикажи казнить,
Всё равно мне милая,
Без тебя не жить.

Сделай одолжение – другом назови
Хоть из уважения, если нет любви.

Прикажи помиловать,
Прикажи казнить,
Всё равно мне милая,
Без тебя не жить.
Прикажи помиловать,
Прикажи казнить,
Всё равно мне милая,
Без тебя не жить.

Я прощаюсь за руку, а в глазах печаль,
Мне с тобой бы за реку, в голубую даль.

Прикажи помиловать,
Прикажи казнить,
Всё равно мне милая,
Без тебя не жить.
Прикажи помиловать,
Прикажи казнить,
Всё равно мне милая,
Без тебя не жить.

Google Translation:

Order the pardon

I never met such a proud one,
I have lost my mind, my heart.

Order the pardon,
Order the execution,
Does not matter to me dear,
Cannot live without you.
Order the pardon,
Order the execution,
Does not matter to me dear,
Cannot live without you.

Do me a favor – you call a friend
Though out of respect, if not love.

Order the pardon,
Order the execution,
Does not matter to me dear,
Cannot live without you.
Order the pardon,
Order the execution,
Does not matter to me dear,
Cannot live without you.

I say goodbye to the hand, and in the eyes of sadness,
I’m with you to the river, in the blue distance.

Order the pardon,
Order the execution,
Does not matter to me dear,
Cannot live without you.
Order the pardon,
Order the execution,
Does not matter to me dear,
Cannot live without you.

Posted by Chess Queen™ Alexandra Kosteniuk
12th women’s world chess champion
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Posted in Chess Video | 5 Comments »

5 Responses to “Chess Music Videos with Photos of Chess Queen Alexandra Kosteniuk”

  1. T. Sathya, Chennai says:

    superb videos you deserve such fans Chess Queen!