Alexandra Kosteniuk's CHESSQUEEN.COM

Chess Queen® & 12th Women's World Chess Champion Grandmaster Mega-Site & Chess Blog

December 15th, 2011

A. Muzychuk – Kosteniuk Blindfold Chess

Hello everyone!

I am now at the Mind Sports Games in China, playing the third event, which is blindfold chess. This is one of the games I played today against Anna Muzychuk. One often wonders how one would play chess blindfold, and actually, as you can see from the game, one can play quite well! In the position below, I was happy to find the winning move (for me, playing black), can you?

You can watch the full game on this page.

Muzychuk,A – Kosteniuk,A

Result: 0-1
Site: Mind Sport Games Beijing 2011 Blindfold
Date: 2011.12.15

[…] 19…¦xb2!! -3.44* A hard-to-find move played in a blindfold game

20.cxd4 -9.47 (20.¤xb2 dxc3 wins) 20…¦xd2! Eliminating the useful dark squared white Bishop -8.60

21.£xd2 -15.0721…£xg3+ -16.5022.¢h1 -17.2122…£h3+ -16.5023.¢g1 -17.2123…¥xd4+ -15.0024.e3 -16.27* 24…¤xe3 White resigns, 0-1

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Posted in Chess | 7 Comments »

7 Responses to “A. Muzychuk – Kosteniuk Blindfold Chess”

  1. Hamid Al Gufran, Cairo, Egypt says:
